

If your inbox is anything like mine lately, it is full of all kinds of “must-buys” for the upcoming holidays. Now, I am not an influencer by any stretch of the imagination, but I do want to share with you some of my favorite things. And by things, I am referring to things that have […]

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These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

By now, you may have read about the United States surgeon general who last week declared there to be a “devastating” youth mental health crisis. In October, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the Children’s Hospital Association joined forces to declare “a national emergency” in youth mental […]

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What I’m Doing About the Youth and Adolescent Mental Health Crisis

Your child’s first Thanksgiving home after leaving for college can be a very exciting time for the entire family. Perhaps it is the longest period of time you have ever spent apart from your child, or maybe you have been holding your breath waiting to “really see” that your child is okay after their first […]

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The First Thanksgiving Home

Here’s a look at some of the things that I have been reading, listening to, and watching. Books All-Time Favorite Parenting Book: How To Raise An Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims I jokingly/not so jokingly refer to this book as my bible. I think of it as a love letter to myself about the kind of […]

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My Latest Round-Up

By now we have all heard the labels attached to overparenting (helicopter parent, snowplow parent, bulldozer parent, etc.) and intellectually, we know that there are longer-term consequences for our kids if we parent this way. But just because we know it, it doesn’t mean that it is easy to change our behavior. Why is this? […]

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The Time Has Come To Land Our Helicopters

Watching your child experience their freshman year of college is a bit like riding a rollercoaster. There will be lots of highs and lows but having a roadmap of what and when these ups and downs happen can help make the ride feel less intense. The W-Curve is a predictable, emotional pattern that many first-year […]

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Why You Need to Know About the W-Curve

It is no secret that I love dogs. Actually, it’s more like I am one of the biggest dog lovers that you have ever met. To put it into perspective, when I was 4 years old, a dog took a bite out of my face. As the story goes, I spent the whole time on […]

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My Greatest Parenting Move Yet

Failure. What comes to mind when you hear that word? Here is something I never thought I’d say. Failure is becoming one of my favorite words. Here’s why. Early on in my career working with college students, I saw a lot of young adults really struggle when something did not go their way. It could […]

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My New Favorite Word

As parents, we are often reminded that what we see on social media are just curated snapshots and not real life. I agree wholeheartedly with this but also want to provide you with a PSA that what you see in real life is not always what it seems as well.Here’s what I mean. I was […]

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Pulling Back the Curtain

Change and uncertainty always feel hard, and dealing with them has not gotten much easier with age. As we all try to navigate the difficulty of this global pandemic, I’ve had a lot of practice stretching my flexibility muscle. Interestingly, as a child playing sports and dancing, body flexibility was one thing that could be […]

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Life Update: Change and Uncertainty

5 tips to help your child thrive